Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Political Science, Political Thought and Political Philosophy

What is political science and how does it differ from political thought and political philosophy?

a.  Political thought:

--any kind of informed political conversation; conversing with one or more people with anything involving politics

--the discussion of politics when you know what you’re talking about

--what we see on good news programs:  2 or 3 people reading a newspaper and they’re discussing what is going on

--informal; no systematic way of approaching it

--example:  have a discussion at lunch over what is happening in the Middle East or in Washington; since you have read about the events you can discuss it with them

--no fancy terminology                                        

b.  Political philosophy

--the attempt to figure out what is right political action

--what is the moral purpose of human action

--what are the moral means by which a human being can undertake action

----What is the best way for politicians to act politically; how “should” people act

--example:  social contract theory:  sit down and figure out, based on his or her perceptions, why states exist or where do rights come from

--Another example may deal with how a monarchy should rule

--If one lived in the late eighteenth century, and know the past history with monarchs in power, they may come up with an idea on how they should rule while discussing the Constitution – example

--more systematic than political philosophy

c.  Political Science

--along with political philosophy…

----systematic, formal language used, approach problems in a formal way; informed and have very specific type of problems they deal with. 

--How does political science differ from political thought and philosophy? 

----less concerned about what people should do (political philosophy deals with this), more concerned with what people actually do; observes the human animal; interested in human beings’ interactions involving power

----what people do; it’s about observing people in their interactions with politics; means how they vote or respond to when bills or legislature is passed for example; as the vote or response to when bills or legislature is passed, they are displaying power or influence over whether someone is elected locally or nationally, or if a bill becomes national law. 

--What does it mean to interact with politics:  Politics includes war, taxation, electoral process…anything involving power (This is what political scientist are involved in – people’s interactions with politics)

--Why?  2 things

a.    Political scientists want to explain why human beings do what they do

b.  They would like to predict when humans are going to do certain things

Political science is like meteorology:  trying to explain something complicated; predict what will happen (80% chance or 80% of the time); Keep good enough an explanation that we can say 80% of the time predict what people will do.

Example:  voter behavior

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