Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Henryville, Indiana 3.2.12 4 years ago


Courtesy: Evan Bentley | photoblog.msnbc.msn.com

Website where photo came from (great to look at):  http://rceezwhatnext.blogspot.com/2012_03_01_archive.html

March 2, 2012:  Four years ago today

Henryville, Indiana

The March Lion was in full force that Friday afternoon

The small town was put on the map by an EF4 tornado

One of the hardest hit places was the Henryville School district, where there was plenty of carnage.


"Inside Henryville School after tornado damage"

Source:  http://roundballreview.com/make-a-donation-to-hoosiers-for-henryville-campaign/


Miraculously, everyone in the school building survived.

Along the length of the entire path, eleven people died.

Why does this little town attract me?
In the Weather Channel series "Tornado Alley," (the first few minutes of the documentary) storm chasers are driving along rolling hills as the tornado heads for Henryville.  The bridge coming from Louisville, KY into the Indiana state line also draws my attention to the scenery.  I went to school in a place with plenty of rolling hills and heavily forested (the piedmont of Virginia).  

Courtesy of AA Roads http://www.aaroads.com/midwest/indiana065/i-065_nb_exit_000_06.jpg


The below video focuses on Henryville, Indiana and the impacts of the March 2012 tornado

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